hehe...well i just started blogging about few days ago but i feel so high-spirited to write anything inside here..hmm why i didn't start blogging long ago ahh...siok pla blog2 ni kan...
ok this time i want to share about the flood that hit my places about few weeks ago...this time KB was hit very badly..until the padang pun buli2 jadi swimming pool bah...mmg very bad lah this time..here are few pictures about the flood...the pictures is not taken by me but my friends...a big thank you to my friends for letting me know bout this flood..
here are some pictures:
this one is in front of Gui Brothers shop..
ahh..this is more dashyat..can u see the basketball ring??imagine how deep the water is...
this is the padang...like swimming pool right??nda pun cam tasik suda ni

another view from Gui Brothers shop

haa...ni lg la...if u want to know..the depth of the big drain there is about 4 m...wow!!how can 4m big drain also full??really bad lah the flood this time...hmmmm
sy sempat tgk 2 padang jak, mcm kolam renang sdh oo.
ReplyDeleteada 2 gmbr tu mcm aku punya jak, ahhaha